We don’t believe we have clients; we have “Partners” who share a common vision for achieving long-term investing success.





We operate with the highest level of integrity in all business dealings.  We are a fiduciary, fee-only investment manager. We always act in the best interests of our “Partners”.

We eat our own cooking. All of the Principal’s investible net worth is invested in the same programs, portfolios, and stocks as our “Partners”. We view our clients as “Partners”, who share a common vision for achieving long-term investing success.

We provide discretionary investment services. All investment analysis and decisions are made independently inhouse. We do not allocate capital to third-party managers or sell high-commission products that add complexity, opacity, and cost to portfolios.

We believe that intrinsic value is a superior standard on which to base investment decisions. Intrinsic value is at the heart of all the investment decisions made across our programs. We shun investments justified by relative pricing techniques.